
The 1st Median graduation of Nicolas Barre Academy Kona, Jalingo, Taraba State.

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The 1st graduation ceremony of Nicolas Barre Academy, a prestigious secondary school founded and managed by the sisters of the Infant Jesus, marked a significant milestone in the school’s history. Held on the 27th of July, 2024, the event was a celebration of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and the culmination of years of dedication by staff and students.

The occasion was attended by the bishop of Jalingo diocese, the king of Kona chiefdom, priests, sisters of the Infant Jesus, the Commissioner of Education, Taraba State, other government representatives, staff, and students of different secondary schools within the Kona community. The school, established by the sisters with a mission to provide quality education rooted in Christian values, has quickly become a beacon of learning and moral upbringing in the community. The inaugural graduation ceremony was a testament to the school’s success in achieving its vision of nurturing well-rounded individuals who are academically sound and morally upright.

The ceremony began with a solemn Mass celebrated by the bishop of Jalingo Diocese Most Rev. Charles M. Hammawa, setting a reverent tone for the day. In his homily, the bishop emphasized the importance of faith and education as pillars for a successful and meaningful life. He commended the school for its outstanding achievements and its role in shaping the future of young minds. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the values instilled by the Reverend Sisters and encouraged the graduates to carry these values with them as they embark on their next journey. During his homily, the bishop took the opportunity to voice a significant concern regarding the government’s attitude toward mission schools. He disapproved of what he described as the government’s “nonchalant attitude” toward the contributions of mission schools to the nation’s educational system.

The bishop expressed disappointment over the lack of support and recognition for mission schools, despite their long-standing commitment to providing quality education rooted in moral and spiritual values. He pointed out that mission schools have played a crucial role in shaping responsible citizens, yet they often struggle with inadequate funding and policy neglect.

“The government seems to overlook the immense contributions of mission schools,” the bishop said. “These schools have been pillars of moral and academic excellence, yet they face numerous challenges that could be alleviated with more support from the authorities.” (Government). The bishop urged the director of ICT of Taraba State who represented the commissioner for Education to convey the message to the governor of the State.

 The graduating class started this journey as 20 young children aspiring and yearning for a better education, and to the glory of God, they all graduated together. They dressed in elegant robes and participated actively in the liturgy, reflecting the deep spiritual grounding they had received at the school. They planted a legacy tree together with the father of the day, His Royal Highness, the Kuru of Kona Land.

Before the Mass, the Bishop, accompanied by the Reverend Sisters, proceeded to bless the school and officially commission the school hall named, “Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama.” The blessing was a deeply spiritual moment, signifying the dedication of the school to the service of God and the community. The bishop prayed for the school’s continued success and for the students to become beacons of light in society.

The Bishop and the king of Kona chiefdom

Following the Mass, the official graduation program commenced. Rev. Sr. Rebecca Odu, the Vice Provincial of the sisters of the Infant Jesus, commended the students for their hard work and resilience, especially in the face of challenges, and encouraged them to continue striving for excellence in all their future endeavors.

The Principal, Rev. sister Anthonia Emmanuel Tumba, delivered the opening address, expressing her profound gratitude to God, the congregation, the teaching staff, and the parents for their unwavering support throughout the years. She spoke passionately about the school’s mission to nurture not only the minds but also the hearts of the students, preparing them to be responsible and compassionate leaders in society.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the launch of the inaugural edition of the school magazine titled, “The Virtue.” This publication, a collaborative effort by the management, staff, and students showcases the creativity, talent, and achievements of the school community. The magazine was unveiled by a distinguished guest, and parents of the graduates.


Awards were then presented to the graduates, with special recognition given to those who had excelled in various academic and extracurricular activities. The head boy delivered a heartfelt speech, reflecting on the journey through secondary school, the bonds formed, and the lessons learned. He expressed gratitude to the Reverend Sisters, the teachers, and parents for their unwavering support.

The 1st graduation ceremony of Nicolas Barre Academy was not just a celebration of academic achievement, but a recognition of the holistic development of the students, who are now ready to embark on the next chapter of their lives, equipped with the knowledge, values, and faith instilled in them by the Reverend Sisters and the dedicated staff of the school.

Nicolas Barre Academy has recently recorded outstanding academic achievements in its latest WAEC examination results, showcasing the hard work and dedication of staff and students. these results mark a significant milestone in the school’s commitment to academic excellence and holistic education. As the school continues to strive for excellence, it is well-positioned to produce future leaders who are not only academically proficient but also equipped with the skills and values needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

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