Whatever happens, be always at peace and trust in God; what you will receive from Him is far beyond your Faith, your Hope and your Love. (Letter 61) 

‘Let Jesus reign and let whatever happens happen.  This is Jesus’ affair and not ours, since he knows the plans he has in mind for us.’   (Letter 47)

‘As the Institute develops, it will encounter persecution, trouble and opposition.  What appears to destroy it, is precisely what will strengthen it.  We should live in a spirit of abandonment, trusting in God for all our needs.’  ( F.M. 12)

‘Remain at peace in the midst of your work.  Put all your trust in God’s mercy and you will come to realise that all will be well.  God’s goodness will triumph.’   (Letter 29)

‘Be at peace.  Do not be afraid.  God’s ways can be strange and surprising.’  (Letter 8)

 ‘We should be in God’s hand like a brush in the hand of the painter.’  (P.M.31)

‘Let us abandon ourselves totally to the goodness and the way of God and have great confidence.  This will lead to zeal, fervour and perseverance in the silence of God and so belong to God alone.’  ( R.R.1)

Spirituality of Nicolas Barre

‘No feather borne back and forth upon the wind

Moves with such grace and freedom,

As do they who allow themselves

To be carried by God

Without resisting.’ 

( Spiritual Canticle 37)


 ‘If life is a pilgrimage, Providence is its staff; it’s shield, if it’s a war; if a ship, its pilot.  Providence is an infinite treasure which fills us with all kinds of good things. So, we throw ourselves into the arms of Providence with great trust, confident that it will not draw away from us and let us fail.’  (Fr. Alexis du Buc – a contemporary of Nicolas Barrế)

‘Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love and the future to God’s Providence.’  (St. Augustine of Hippo)


Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones. 

And when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task,

 go to sleep in peace. 

God is awake!  (Victor Hugo)


Go down into the plans of God.

Go down deep as you may.

Fear not for your fragility under that weight of water.

Fear not for life or limb.

Even if sharks attack savagely.

Fear not the power of treacherous currents under the sea.

Simply, do not be afraid.

Let go.

You will be led like a child whose mother holds her to her bosom

And against all threats, is her shelter.  (Dom Helder Camara)

Spirituality of Nicolas Barre

Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if he wants anything of you,

 He will fit you for the work

 and give you strength.  (St. Philip Neri)


My life is but a weaving between my God and me,

I do not choose the colors, He worketh steadily,

At times he weaveth sorrow,

and I in foolish pride,

forget He sees the upper side

 and me the underside.

Not ‘til the loom is silent, and shutter cease to fly,

Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful in the skilful Weaver’s hand

As the threads of gold and silver

In the pattern He has planned.  (Anon)

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