Catholic: Women Vocational Training Center Mayo- Dassa Jalingo

The Women Vocational Training Center is a catholic institution under the leadership of the Catholic Bishop of Jalingo Diocese but is being managed by the Sisters of the Infant Jesus. It was established in the year 1999 in order to:

  • Train young women in skills to enable them to be gainfully employed.
  • Reduce the incidence of early marriage
  • Increase the level of literacy
  • Increase knowledge of primary health care

To girls and young women who are underprivileged in society, especially those who have dropped out of school and those who have not gone to school at all because they cannot afford to pay their school fees.

Since they have lost the opportunity of formal education, the infant Jesus Sisters and the teachers teach them basic life skills such as literacy, sewing, hand, and machine knitting, catering, human and spiritual development. It is a two years training.

A course for a certificate in computer skills is also offered to the few students who have had the chance to complete their secondary education.

See also: School Services of Infant Jesus Sisters Nigeria